Katowice Station
Here is an excerpt from a MiElle acapella. I made the backing track in my MIDI editor and added the guitar myself in a single take.
The ambient sound FX come from a clip called ‘Katowice Station’, posted on Freesound Project by RobinHood76. I tried to credit this via the ‘Sources’ search box above but kept drawing a blank. Anyway, I’m crediting the clip here.
I love MiElle’s voice and hope this track works.
Thanks for listening.
The ambient sound FX come from a clip called ‘Katowice Station’, posted on Freesound Project by RobinHood76. I tried to credit this via the ‘Sources’ search box above but kept drawing a blank. Anyway, I’m crediting the clip here.
I love MiElle’s voice and hope this track works.
Thanks for listening.