Vo1k1 Emerald Event Megamix
As of the time of posting, on Spotify this sone has been streamed 3,701 times with 3,134 listeners and 115 song saves meaning they will come back and listen again. Once a song is over 1,000 streams I can put it in “discovery mode” which will make it a “hey you like this other artist, why not try this?” track.
So if your name is on the sources, you’ve been heard a LOT!
There are three tracks, separated by two modified pieces from V01k1. As this was made for the Emerald Event, every song has vo1k1 in it.
Everyone may publish my finished song unchanged, under Attribution terms. But you must also be aware of the Sampling+ license and comply with it for publishing.
Had lots of fun with this one!
So if your name is on the sources, you’ve been heard a LOT!
There are three tracks, separated by two modified pieces from V01k1. As this was made for the Emerald Event, every song has vo1k1 in it.
Everyone may publish my finished song unchanged, under Attribution terms. But you must also be aware of the Sampling+ license and comply with it for publishing.
Had lots of fun with this one!
Uses samples from...
- Kauai Rain Ocean Birds snowflake
- We Do Not Have to Live Through the Eyes of Phantoms Anymore Reprise (Vo1k1 Binaural Samples) vo1k1
- Emerge (Vo1k1 Mix) vo1k1
- Emerge (Vo1k1 Mix) vo1k1
- Longed for Day (Vo1k1 Mix) vo1k1
- black tar on an angels hands smilingcynic
- Wedding of the Damned RobertWarrington
- Voxy Texture - All Things vo1k1
- Vocoder Texture - All Things vo1k1
- Stringy B Texture - All Things vo1k1
- Southern Rain Beat duckett
- What U Sittin - Danger Mouse & Jemini wired